All used information to install I found here:
Using things:
- EVE-PRO meaning with license
- CentOS CentOS-8.1.1911-x86_64-dvd1.iso
Step 1. Download CentOS – donloaded from Download CentOS version Linux DVD ISO
See 2. Go into EVE-PRO and move into qemu directory
root@eve-ng:~# cd /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu
Step 3. Create a new directory and move inside it
root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/addons/qemu# mkdir linux-centeros-8
root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/addons/qemu# cd linux-centeros-8
Step 4. Upload CentOS-8.1.1911-x86_64-dvd1.iso in EVE-PRO using FilaFilla application
root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/linux-centeros-8# ls
Step 6. Create qcow2 file
root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/linux-centeros-8# /opt/qemu/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2 hda.qcow2 40G
Formatting 'hda.qcow2', fmt=qcow2 size=42949672960 encryption=off cluster_size=65536 lazy_refcounts=off refcount_bits=16
root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/linux-centeros-8# ls
CentOS-8.1.1911-x86_64-dvd1.iso hda.qcow2
Step 6. Rename CentOS-8.1.1911-x86_64-dvd1.iso file
oot@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/linux-centeros-8# mv CentOS-8.1.1911-x86_64-dvd1.iso cdrom.iso
root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/linux-centeros-8# ls
cdrom.iso hda.qcow2
Step 7. Login to EVE-PRO then Add new lab end add CentOS node
CentOS need to have
- Name: CentOS
- CPU: 2
- RAM (MB): 4096
- Ethernets: 2
- QEMU Version : 2.4
- QEMU arch: tpl (x86_64)
- QEMU Nic: e1000-
Click SAVE
Add a switch and configure it as Type: Management (Cloud0) and click Save
Step 8. Now ready to start CentOS
Do not click anything, just wait …
Step 9. Go throw installation process
English and Continue
Verify and configure different things…
Keuboard: English
Installation Destination: ATA QENU HARDDISK
After finishing click Begin Installation
During installation you need to insert toot password and user name and password
Root Pasword
User Name and Password. Also select Make this user admin
Wait to finish installation
Step 10. Restating CentOS
Before restarting CentOS you need to modify the name if application needed to install
root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/linux-centeros-8# mv cdrom.iso centos-install.iso
I do not like restart. I click restart, then power-off and them power-on or Start
Step 11. Go throw internal installation process.
Click License Information
I accept the license agreement.
Click Finish configuration
English and Next
English (US) and Next
Privacy OFF and Next
Connect Your Online: Skip
Finish to install internal
Step 12. Networks
Select Wired Settings
I don’t have Automatic Ethernet on these network, si I have to configure it manually
Open Terminal
Use ifconfig command
I will do not this now ….
Step 13. Save the configured CentOS for all new EVE-PRO lab
Into EVE-PRO open Lab Details
root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/tmp/0/085884f1-7807-492d-814f-7b588fd1892c/1# ls
cdrom.iso hda.qcow2 l1down_1 l1up_0 mon-sock mon2-sock qmp-sock wrapper.txt
root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/tmp/0/085884f1-7807-492d-814f-7b588fd1892c/1# /opt/qemu/bin/qemu-img commit hda.qcow2
Image committed.
Here is tha same
root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/tmp/0/085884f1-7807-492d-814f-7b588fd1892c/1# ls
cdrom.iso hda.qcow2 l1down_1 l1up_0 mon-sock mon2-sock qmp-sock wrapper.txt
A needed command to make it work as configured
root@eve-ng:/opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/linux-centeros-8# /opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions
May 01 07:09:28 May 01 07:09:28 Online Check state: Valid
All done. CentOS is ready to go. We will now add a couple of nodes to confirm that CentOS is working.
Step 14. Verify that CentOS is working
Add a total of three CentOS
Power-on all
All 3 can power-on …
Step 14. Configure and Mange Network Connection using nmcli
The needed information I find here: How to configure and Manage Network Connections using nmcli. I use The nmcli connection sub-command chapter.
# nmcli connection show
virbr0 bbe539aa-7042-4d28-a0e6-2a4d4f5dd744 802-3-ethernet virbr0
virbr0-nic bbe539aa-8042-4d28-a0e6-2a4d4f5dd744 802-3-ethernet virbr0-nic
ens3 bbe539aa-5042-4d28-a0e6-2a4d4f5dd744 802-3-ethernet --
ens4 bbe539aa-6042-4d28-a0e6-2a4d4f5dd744 802-3-ethernet --
- The nmcli connection add Command
$ nmcli connection add con-name new-ens3 ifname ens3 type ethernet ip4 gw4
Connection 'new-ens3' (f0c23472-1aec-4e84-8f1b-be8a2ecbeade) successfully added.
$ nmcli connection add con-name new-ens4 ifname ens4 type ethernet ip4 gw4
Connection 'new-ens4' (f0c23472-1aec-5e84-8f1b-be8a2ecbeade) successfully added.
# nmcli connection show
new-ens3 bbe539aa-9042-4d28-a0e6-2a4d4f5dd744 802-3-ethernet ens3
new-ens4 bbe539aa-1042-4d28-a0e6-2a4d4f5dd744 802-3-ethernet ebs4
virbr0 bbe539aa-7042-4d28-a0e6-2a4d4f5dd744 802-3-ethernet virbr0
virbr0-nic bbe539aa-8042-4d28-a0e6-2a4d4f5dd744 802-3-ethernet virbr0-nic
ens3 bbe539aa-5042-4d28-a0e6-2a4d4f5dd744 802-3-ethernet --
ens4 bbe539aa-6042-4d28-a0e6-2a4d4f5dd744 802-3-ethernet --
# ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg*
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens3 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-new-ens3
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens4 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-new-ens4
I can see this but I modify using nmcli command
I hope all detail help me and you in future use.